
Cosmetic Surgery Survey

Australia’s health ministers (Federal, State and Territory) are interested to hear from the public about the use of the title 'surgeon' including ‘cosmetic surgeon’ by medical practitioners to understand if this causes confusion and potential harm to the public.
Health Issues Centre, on behalf of Australian health ministers, is running a national consultation. The Victorian Government, in consultation with all jurisdictions, has prepared a Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS - PDFWord and Executive Summary ) to explain the current framework which enables all medical practitioners to use the title 'surgeon' and to explore public safety issues that may arise from this. 
Your feedback is needed to make sure the thoughts and needs of the public are considered. For further background information including frequently asked questions visit the Engage Victoria website. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and is open until Friday 1st April. Only persons 18 or over may participate. However, if you are a parent or carer you may respond on behalf of a minor. The survey needs be completed in a single session – you will not be able to save a partially completed survey and return to it later. 
If the survey raises any concerns for you or the person you are responding for, we recommend that you contact your general practitioner, a mental health care professional or one of the support services below:
Counselling support services
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
SANE: 1800 18 7263
Privacy Notice

Participation in this consultation is voluntary and by completing this survey, you consent to the Victorian Department of Health (department) collecting and using the information you provide in accordance with this notice. The information in this survey will be collected and analysed by an external provider (the Health Issues Centre) and the Victorian Department of Health on behalf of all Australian health ministers to inform a Decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) for public release. 

The results of the survey will be used to generate reports containing aggregated and anonymised information. These reports may be shared with other government entities, in Victoria and other Australian jurisdictions to inform government decisions about regulation of the title ‘surgeon’ under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law. It may, for example, lead to changes in the law that restrict the range of medical practitioners who will be permitted to use that title.

This survey will ask about your experience of cosmetic surgical products and procedures and other surgical procedures as well as your general demographic (age, gender, and income) information. All the information you provide will be made anonymous and used to better understand general social trends in cosmetic surgery experience. We will not publish any identifying information or individual submissions. 

Please do not to provide any information that will identify yourself, a medical practitioner or facility. Any reservations or concerns about the treatment you may have received from a particular medical practitioner, or about a medical practitioner’s conduct should be reported directly to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra). Any other complaint should be directed to a Health Complaints Commission or similar entity in your state or territory. If personally identifying information is inadvertently provided, we will take reasonable steps to delete it. 

As your responses will be made anonymous, it will not be possible for you to access or update them after collection.  If you change your mind and do not want to submit the survey you may exit at any time. Your responses will not be collected or used if you do not click “submit” when you have finished. Where you do not wish to or are unable to respond to a particular question, you can leave it. Your other responses can still be submitted.

For more information on the department’s privacy collection practices, please refer to the department’s privacy policy or visit our website. The project team supervising the consultation can be contacted by emailing NRAS.Consultation@health.vic.gov.au or you may contact the department’s Privacy team by emailing privacy@health.vic.gov.au

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